Tuesday, September 7, 2010

My matatu experience to Nacumatt

Well went to work this morning around ten to sort out computer for tomorrow and went down to Nacumatt (Kenya's version of Tesco's) in the evening to buy a mobile phone that was compatible with the Zain sim card I was given.  Anyway our driver was out sick so we had to get a Matatu down there and back.  Think of a converted Hiace Van from about the late 1980's with the inner workings of the van being visible from under your feet and crammed with about 15-20 people with some hanging from the side (That's a Matatu).  I had to watch the aul pockets on both journey's as they are notorious for pickpocketing and being the only white fella I stuck out like a sore thumb.  Anyway roads are full of potholes well suppose I'm used to that coming from Ireland.  Anyway as the internet is enough to get by and but not enough bandwidth to get a stream I'm spending the evening getting updates on the boards soccer forum.  Had abit of a kip earlier and will go to bed after the match finished around 11.45 local time. Up for around 7ish in the morning to start getting stuck into work in the morning. 


  1. Nothing to write home about with the match! Send me an email when you have your work mail up and running or whatever you are using!

  2. Looking forward to following your adventure on here Stephen, the best of luck to you.
